Any Georgia Tech permanent, regular-status employee who has the approval of their Department Head may eligible for a Procurement Card.

Steps to Obtaining a PCard

PCards will be distributed to employees after completion of appropriate background checks, cardholder training and submission of the signed Employee Agreement Form on the Training and Forms page.

PCard Official Use Guidelines

You can review the Official PCard Policy, or review a summary of the policy below:

Authorized PCard purchases include:

Office Supplies, Non-Inventory Equipment, Lab/Research Supplies, Items on Contract (if not in BuzzMart), Registrations, Subscriptions, Office Furniture/Files.

Services including: Maintenance & Repair, Freelance (Photographers, Writers, Artists), Consulting Services, Utilities.

Items the PCard may NOT be used for include:

Personal Purchases, Inventory Equipment, Employee Travel & Entertainment, Food (except as authorized in BFM Section, Motor Vehicle Fuel, Split Purchases (dividing one purchase into two or more to stay within your transaction limit), Alcoholic Beverages or Tobacco Products, Cash Advantages, Purchases from units of the Institute, Gift Cards, Calling Cards or other Pre-Paid Cards, Georgia Sales Tax, Funding a BuzzCard.