Requisition Approval Cycle Time

Average time in calendar days for Requisition approvals over the past 12 months. The average for 'Buyer' only includes Requisitions requiring Procurement and Business Services approval. These 'Buyer' requisitions are a small fraction of the total number of requisitions approved and are the most complex. The 'Average Total Processing Time' shows the average number of calendar days for Requisitions to be fully approved from start to finish and includes all Requisitions (not just Requisitions requiring approval from Procurement & Business Services).

Requisition Table View


Requisition Chart View

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(text and background only visible when logged in)

Supplier Invoice Approval Cycle Time

Average time in calendar days for Invoice approvals over the past 12 months. The average for 'Accounts Payable Data Entry Specialist' only includes invoices requiring Procurement and Business Services approval. The 'Average Total Processing Time' shows the average number of calendar days for invoices to be fully approved from start to finish and includes all invoices (not just invoices requiring approval from Procurement & Business Services).

Invoices Table View

Invoices Chart View

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(text and background only visible when logged in)

Expense Report Approval Cycle Time

Average time in calendar days for Expense Report approvals over the past 12 months. The average for 'Expense Partner' only includes Expense Reports requiring Procurement and Business Services approval. The 'Average Total Processing Time' shows the average number of calendar days for Expense Reports to be fully approved from start to finish and includes all Expense Reports (not just Expense Reports requiring approval from Procurement & Business Services).

Expenses Table View

Expenses Chart View