AP Accounting assists departments with Program advance requests related to any Research Study or Study Abroad request. Funds for these are withdrawn from the assigned Worktags for the department conducting the research study or study abroad.

General Requirements

  • Business Purpose: All GT Program Advances requests must have the business purpose selected as GT Program Advances
  • Spend Authorizations: Include a Start and End Date (must not reflect the same dates)

Research Study Program Advance Requests

For research study GT Program Advances requests, the following must be provided/attached for approval from AP Accounting:

  • Office of Research Integrity Assurance IRB Approval Form
  • Documentation detailing the research being conducted
  • Any email communication related to the research or payment requests
  • List of research participants
  • Expense item lines must have the related Spend Category selected for the research study (SC751115 or SC751113)
  • Cash Advance Requested box must be selected as YES for advance to process as payment to requestor

Study Abroad Program Advance Requests

For Study Abroad program advance requests, the following must be provided/attached for approval from AP Accounting:

  • Detailed information regarding the study abroad trip
  • Detailed explanation and list of all expected expenses that total the amount requested
  • All Airfare expenses must be booked via Travel Inc and should not be included in Spend Authorization request or Expense Reports
  • List of participants for the study abroad
  • Any email communication regarding the request
  • Expense item lines must have the related Spend Category selected for the Study Abroad (varies from ground transportation, meals, misc expense, etc.)
  • Cash Advance Requested box must be selected as YES for advance to process as payment to requestor

GT Program Advance Reconciliation Guidelines

Employees must submit an Expense Report of all expenses for reimbursement and reconciliation within 10 days of the event or trip completion, but no later than 45 calendar days. Expenses submitted more than 60 calendar days after the completion of the trip or event may be considered taxable income per IRS regulations. 

To ensure compliance with audit findings, travelers are responsible for maintaining a record of all purchases and payments made during their travel when using Program Advance funds. A detailed log of all purchases/payments must be provided upon Expense Report submission, that include the following details: 

  • Transaction dates
  • Payment amount
  • Payment type (credit card or cash)
  • If paid in cash, provide reason for cash payment
  • Currency type
  • Services provided (or items purchased)
  • Any other relevant information may be added to the log

Retain all receipts and relevant documentation as backup for your Expense Report. Avoid cash payments whenever possible. If cash is used, ensure that all cash payments are duly signed and dated by the recipient.

Personal expense should not be selected when submitting expense report. Due to the general ledger reconciliation process, all Worktags selected in the related Spend Authorization must match exactly with those in the Expense Report being submitting.

Any unused funds must be repaid to Georgia Tech via check payment. The payment options are as follows:

  • Check Drop-off: Available on Thursdays from 9 AM to 2 PM.
  • Mail-in option:
    Procurement & Business Services
    Attn: AP Accounting
    711 Marietta Street NW
    Atlanta, GA 30318
  • Inter-office Mail: Mail Code 0253, Attn: AP Accounting

Please reference the related Spend Authorization number and/or Expense Report number on the check.

Payments for stipends, honorariums, or fellowship awards are not processed through GT Program advances. These requests must be submitted via a SIR request with the Accounts Payable team.

Feel free to Submit a ServiceNow request to Accounts Payable for any assistance or inquiries related to these services. Our team is here to ensure your needs are met efficiently and effectively.