How can I easily identify the problem invoices in Workday and communicate issues with an invoice?

In Workday, you can run the report “Find Problem Invoices by Organization-CR”. You can search by your 3-digit department number, the Supplier’s Invoice Number, or the INV in Workday. Please see the Knowledge Article "Find your Department's Problem Invoices". Campus Users will identify the specific problem directly on the invoice in the Activity Note. This process helps both the department and AP quickly understand what needs to be addressed to process the payment.

How do I process an Ad Hoc payment for a human subject or research participant compensation?

This process is for departments submitting human subject/research participant ad hoc payment requests. All human subject/research participant payments will be paid via an Ad Hoc Payment in Workday. Designate one individual from your area to submit all requests to prevent duplicate submissions. A detailed list of appropriate documents for submission is provided. All requests must be submitted to for processing.

How do I make a payment for a group meal or event that includes food and beverage?

Review policy "Purchase of Food and Group meals for Employees, Students and Guests", AND the Food/Group Meal Procurement Grid on the Food Policy page to ensure you are following the right steps (activity, allowable participants, funding sources, purchasing methods and any other additional requirements). Then submit a Food/Group Meal Event Documentation Form to Accounts Payable, in addition to the vendor invoice and Workday Bill Only PO to